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All About Us

Our Guild/Clan is a tight knit group of longtime friends. We  currently have a presence in guild Wars 1 (semi-inactive) , Guild Wars 2, and Warframe with many of the members playing other games as  well on their own.  Our main goal is  fun and  casual gaming  while still maintaining  enough presence to  accomplish pretty much  anything  we set  out  to  do.  We prefer to avoid drama  and instead want to provide our members with  enough resources and  communication  to  provide long lasting enjoyment  of the games we  play.  We offer  voice chat including  Raidcall (full private server)  and Teamspeak (semi-private server) and  many of us  utilize Steam and /or  Overwolf  to communicate between games.  We also have  this website and our Facebook  page to keep  in contact  while not in-game and to provide information and other resources to help you in  your adventures.  We strongly encourage to use  any  of them  you can to keep in touch and  ensure you never  have to play  alone.  We also have allied guilds  in  GW2  that will offer  an allied membership  so you always have someone to play with  (an alliance in Warframe is still in the works) .  Never hesitate to contact us with any problems you might have.  We never  want to  lose  people, and while  we strive  to  avoid conflicts, sometimes it happens regardless .  We  also understand  Real Life has demands and that is our #1 rule- RL comes 1st.  You are never required to log in on a regular basis but it would be nice if you could drop  us a  heads up  here  or on  Facebook if you will be gone  for a while.  You have been subjected to enough Wall-O-Text  so  if you have any other questions  or concerns  just ask!  See  you in  game!

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